Apr 2Liked by Diane Engelhardt

The Evil Empire is ruled by a gigantic nest of goblins!

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Apr 5Liked by Diane Engelhardt

The frightening, growing intolerance and seemingly uneducated rhetoric of the right wing has to be constantly challenged. Thanks for doing it.

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And do note that the right wing in the US consists of both Republicans and Democrats - there's nothing actual left in terms of policy (pro-worker, anti-war, anti-imperialist) about the Orwellianly-named "Democratic Party".

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This despicable dude has just declared/proclaimed himself the most dangerous terrorist walking and talking on Planet Earth, omen! Under any law, anywhere, except the United Satanic America, he would be tried, convicted, sentenced for international terrorism! Beware, he's not a leader, he's not a lawmaker, he's just a criminal, a fugitive! Hey Deaf and Blind World Justice, lock him up, SOB!


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Start liking it. Israel is seeking to involve us in their war on Iran, and we know and cooperate.

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You're right there!

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The news was insane yesterday. :(

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Start liking it also. "Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you." 1 Habbakuk 5 I think.

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Apr 3Liked by Diane Engelhardt

Very good article. Most of these Congress men and women are part of the whole problem in that they receive funds from the Israel lobby(AIPAC) and seem to have no concern for the Palestinians, especially the children and pregnant mothers. I’ve seen when the Code Pink ladies stop the senators/representatives in the halls of the Capitol building how they act, one of them spewing “Kill them all!” I know one thing, they are complicit in a genocide that is happening right before our eyes and they should be charged and tried for complicity in a genocide

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Like I wrote on Caitlin Johnstone's article, Blinken, Biden, Austin, Netanyahu, Gallant, Herzog, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich et al, Sunak, Macron, Scholz, Meloni and the Western Rat Pack must be prosecuted in a Nuremberg-style trial at the ICC, convicted and sentenced so that they can take their right place in history alongside Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Goebbels, Goering, Eichmann and the other 12 Nazis who were hanged for their war crimes!

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Is it really going to happen Finster? Is the human race really so bloody stupid we'll end up blowing up the world?? :(

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Apr 2Liked by Diane Engelhardt

Quite possible.

Once you understand that we are ruled by sociopaths who would not hesitate to annihilate 99% of life on earth if that were the price of dominion over whatever smoking ruin is left, everything makes sense.

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God forbid!

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