Jun 23Liked by Diane Engelhardt

One particular human monster comes to mind is Senator Lindsey Graham. He should, along with others like him, male and female, be made to go fight in every war he has been so ready to send other peoples’ children to die in. There hasn’t been an intreventionist war he hasn’t been ready to send others to their deaths for his bloodlust of forcing “Freedom” & “Democracy” down other countries throats. Very good analogy, Diane. 😢☮️🇵🇸

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No kidding, Sylvia!

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Jun 24Liked by Diane Engelhardt

I would add Netanyahu and Biden to the list.

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If we named all the human monsters, we'd have a very, very long list!

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Welcome to the club, Diane! The worst part of all this is that it has being going on since man lived in caves....

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Diane Engelhardt

What an astute deconstruction of the ghouls presenting as humans, Diane. So well put.

While I was reading you brought to mind the films Invasion of the Body Snatchers and They Live; but also your descriptions of types reminded me of Agatha Christie, an astute observer of monsters and Hannah Arendt, The Banality of Evil.

The psychiatrist, Iain McGilchrist is also excellent on this in The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things: these are long, complex tomes proposing that we (or those that are monsters) are only using the left side of our brains; ie for utility, for gain, for delusional smart-arsery without any regard to consequence, bigger picture or to The Sacred and this will destroy us all.

The Western colonial system now bakes monsters into it's structure; over the last 40 years or so it has boldly accelerated the perversion of human nature with added eschatological delusions that suggest this will only end in The Flood, as per biblical and classical stories - Heracles cleaning the compacted dung in The Augean Stables springs to mind.

Names are being named correctly in the comments and I agree; but they cannot be removed without catastrophe because they have control over the political process and the structure of our everyday lives.

We have a window right now where these disgusting monsters are facing massive pressure from within and without - other states have wised up to what they are doing and are facing them down. If we can match that from within we stand a chance.

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Great comment, Anthony! I've read The Master and His Emissary, and what he says about left-brain thinking is playing out before our eyes.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Diane Engelhardt

I'm so glad you picked that up, Diane. It was the only really insightful comment I made. Not everyone is yet latched onto McGilchrist - if you read the above then The Matter With Things can be dipped in and out of with new insights!

It may sound glib, but what heartens me is that whether people think these monsters are Satan's Angels, Vampires, Ghouls, Left-Brained Maniacs or plain incompetents, they are being rumbled. What's coming across with many substack writers and commentators is that people are seeing through the disgusting tricks and cons being played that trap them; and around the globe people are seeing through NGOs and other organisations that plant the virus in their own countries and cause violence and instability.

I see these people exactly like you. Thanks again for Monsters :)

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Jun 24Liked by Diane Engelhardt

Once, in a store, I saw a very nicely dressed woman with her child who was having a tantrum over something she was denied buying. The nicely dressed woman got down on the floor, started kicking her feet and moving her arms and screaming that she wanted to have that. The child was shocked. Probably embarrassed. The woman stood up, brushed herself off, looked straight into the kids face and said "doesn't feel very good, does it". Maybe that might put a few monsters off. A taste of their own medicine.

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Clever strategy!

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Jun 25Liked by Diane Engelhardt

Phenomenal article. Thank you, Diane. Here's a friendly reminder that Revolution is so fucking necessary and we can create an app for that... said the madman who's been staring into the abyss a little too long... and who's been dreaming a little too damn much... www.humbledeeds.com

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There's truth in Dangerous Words, but the Revolution needs more than an app!

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Such as? Please explain. I'm all ears.

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There are some good ones on the website. For example: 'Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.’ Believe only 1/4 of what you hear, 1/3 of what you read, and only 1/2 of what you see.

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Jun 25Liked by Diane Engelhardt

But beyond words, what steps must we take to create a Revolution? And why do you assume an app cannot facilitate more actions, more organizing and uniting?

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You ask two very good questions, Lee, that I'm afraid you'd have to ask a more intelligent person in order to get satisfactory answers. But I'll give it a try. To answer the second question, I have no doubt that an app can be very useful, but its effectiveness depends on the people using it, as students have shown in organizing and sustaining their protests. As for creating a Revolution, there's the famous expression--die Revolution frisst ihre eigenen Kinder (revolution devours its own children)--which refers to violent revolution in which one group of oppressors is eventually replaced with another group of oppressors. What humanity desperately needs, apart from a massive immediate change in political leadership (and here I'm not too hopeful), is a revolution in consciousness. By that I mean, and this is putting it too simply, a revolution in the way we think about ourselves, our relationship to other human beings, and to nature. And this cannot happen by force or on any mass scale, at least not that I can see. To change our world, we must be the change we want to see. (By the way, I thought Gandhi said that, but apparently not). Due to the limitations of time and space, I'll leave you with those thoughts. And thanks for getting me started on something I might write about later. In any case, more important that what I think is what you think!

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Jun 26Liked by Diane Engelhardt

Diane, we're very much on the same wave length. Thanks for your well thought out reply. The app I intend to create is all about Peaceful Revolution and when the Revolution starts I hope you'll join in, in as many ways as you can. The app will not only be about voting out the dipshits, the puppets, and the War Criminals, but it will also be about a Revolution for Earth, and a conscious life app. It will change the narrative. It will change our horseshit two party 'politics.' It will change the World. Everybody who uses the app will make change for Earth, Peace, Progress, Equality, Justice, etc. In the meantime, keep speaking your truths and don't let the monsters get away with anymore stupid ridiculous horseshit. Thanks.

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This is a fantastic essay and sums it up perfectly!

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......but when man lived in caves he NEEDED these attributed to survive.....

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Some cave monsters never evolve!

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