Listen to an audio recording of A Child Is Born:
This Christmas Eve, Christians around the world will celebrate the birth of a child in a stable in Bethlehem, two thousand and twenty-five years ago. In the long, dark days that follow the triumph of the Christ child’s birth fewer than 100 kilometers away in Gaza, children will be killed, children will be maimed, children will be orphaned, children will be starved, children will be traumatized, children will be born, on bloody sheets, on filthy floors, in rain-soaked tents, in mud and rubble, unheralded, uncrowned, unworshipped, unpraised, unknown. And when a child is born to be murdered by bombs or bullets before he can walk and speak, read and write; when another child is born to die of starvation or disease before she can grow up to become a doctor, a teacher, a poet, a mother; when more children are born to be driven into the desert where they have no home, no school, no playground, no hospital, no hope, no future, will our sins be forgiven, will our souls be saved? Who among Christians will gather each year and honour on a silent, holy night the birth of Gaza's martyred children?
A big, heartfelt thank-you to all my readers and commenters for your support! I wish every one of you a peaceful, harmonious Christmas filled with light and love! 💖
Don’t know what to give a close friend or family member for Christmas? How about a
I and my family will be among those Christians who celebrate the births…and mourn the deaths…of every Palestinian child in Gaza. Not to mention the gentle men and strong women who have lived and died there too. Surely we will not be alone? But if we are, so be it. We are determined to stay true to our hearts, which are laid open by this g3n0cide and will never recover, and to Jesus, who sides with the oppressed and vulnerable, the orphans, limbless and traumatized children, and parents who have had to bury their families after digging them out of the rubble with bare hands. ❤️🔥🕊️🇵🇸
"I wish every one of you a peaceful, harmonious Christmas filled with light and love!" Maybe the murders in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and the West Bank will stop and that will light up the world. If only.